zed potts

glad to hear it, I’m getting one this month. Hoping two xfx 390s will handle it

Seriously, though. Here’s a thought. You have a game where people complain about 1-shot sniper rifles with instant snap aim being OP, and then you nerf the major alternative to those guns. ...they didn’t fix anything, even on PAPER.

If you haven’t played Old World Blues for NV, play that. Otherwise, this is pretty fun.

Pretty sure even this character had that much self-awareness that that won’t be an “ohhhh” moment

Aaaactually? I picked out my headphones based on which ones would make my chest feel synth thrum.

You should totally watch that movie, if only for Raul Julia.

Did we really need this remark?

I think this comment would be better applied to the revamped ending of ME3.

Preeeettty sure that that’s not serious. Plus, deciding to use that kind of radicalized thing is usually just doing it as a counterbalance to what they feel the overwhelming angle of society at large is. See: “whitey must die”. Sure, there’s probably someone out there who means it wholeheartedly - but right now, it’s

Fry also has said that he doesn’t think women enjoy sex. So, honestly, fuck that guy trying to be a voice for anyone else’s demographic.

that’s a feature, too.

The one that replaces the big zapper? Yeah, I liked it.

What the fuck have you done lately that's so great

I actually find that if you force yourself to use ONLY bullets, and no silencers, the game gets a lot harder, fast.

Industry Icon: Roberta and Ken Williams

burning booze.

Or the uplifting saga?

You have a copy of Changing Lanes? For the likeable characters?

please tell me this is a real thing.

eh. Everyone who was using torrents did, I'd think.