
You kind of contradicted yourself but whatever. If the flag represents all Americans then doesn’t he have the right to be offended when someone dishonors it?

1955 Chevy one ton flatbed when I was 9 or 10. This is not the actual truck, but you get the idea. We had a farm for a short while and I drove while my dad loaded hay bales in the field. It had a granny gear, so it was easy enough to get going. The lack of power steering was challenging when I was little.

This was the first car I got behind the wheel and drove. 1970 Cutlass Convertible.

> A few of us noticed a guy always talking to her and we didn’t think much of it.

It’s really good you did that and that might be all it takes to stop it. You touched on another point of this issue. She’s constantly getting bugged and having her work interrupted. She’s the new hire and may appear not capable of getting her work done because the higher ups don’t know she keeps getting interrupted.

You know what you call a woman harassed at work who didn’t report it? EMPLOYED.

And by all accounts, this process has gotten worse since Donald Trump was elected.

Too many people, not enough jobs. That’s how we get bloggers, vloggers, instagram stars and PR specialists.

“If every room had been equipped with a firearm as well as a Gideons Bible, ‘good guys’ from surrounding rooms could have rushed the room where the shooter was and...”

A while back I read a bio of George Washington Carver, a hero of mine, who traveled around the south giving presentations on better farming methods for poor farmers. He attracted interested audiences, both black and white: the southern white farmers called him the “peanut nigger” but came to hear what he had to teach.

Gee, how do felons get hold of weapons? From law abiding gun owners who abide by the law but don’t abide by common sense self-regulation such as keeping their weapons and ammunition locked up.

The few bad always ruin it for the many that are good

This right there. There is NO FUCKING REASON a Blackhawk should be flying that low in a residential neighborhood. Not when fort Hamilton can be reached from the water.

People have a right to protest. That is the bloody essence of America.

Which could be countered with lackofsituationalawareness, go fuck yourself.

I mean even pilots in the sky who use Autopilot have to have one guy paying attention at all times because if you’re napping and you lose hydraulic pressure you don’t have time to wake up and figure out what is going on.

Carefully curating your notifications is one of the most immediate fixes. It took awhile, and mine are still only good (not perfect) but I refined my notifications enough to be confidant that I will be notified when something important happens, and I can consequently operate in confidence with the knowledge that if I

How did you get this from Matt’s article?