
Notice the curtsy. It’s the feminine version of a bow. For the record I think the whole Obama bowing controversy is totally absurd, but pointing out hypocrisy is worthwhile.

Did it help stop the violence? No, it just inflamed it and more people died.

People on here bitching about her choice of gender, how she has money for a slice of pizza/shoes, and her traitor status but the first things I thought after reading were “She should have bought a PS4” and “that looks like gas station pizza”

She violated her oath and put peoples lives in danger, possibly with some losing their lives. She should have never gotten out. You all sympathize with her because she is depressed and trans, but she fucking signed up for this.

Oh god, even before Mapquest, trying to navigate anywhere outside of your comfort zone was such a pain. I remember being a kid and having to read the map for my dad while he drove, which invariably ended up at some point with him holding the map over the steering wheel and glancing back and forth between it and the

I wonder how literally anything got done before the internet.

I bought my first car (a Camaro) in 1985 - I went from dealer to dealer in Houston looking at their inventories until I found one with a good color, okay options, and the right engine. It took weeks of Saturdays. Then I found one and bought it. No research was done except to read Car and Driver, Motor Trend, and Road

I gotta say, it’s pretty impressive that there are sports like Indy and NASCAR (aka draft-racing on ovals) where bulk crashing at 200mph is _expected_ and it’s generally assumed everyone will be fine.

Don’t forget to add the cost of security&maintenance for all of the above, per diem for deployments, lodging, food, rental cars ect.

Heh, and I felt ballsy every time I smuggled a fifth of tequila into Al Udeid.

Born and raised in Santa Rosa here and I can definitely say that the only reason Santa Rosa is the top city on the list is because of Russian River brew co. Definitely excellent beers but what puts it on the map is Pliny the Younger. It’s really an amazing beer.

My Ex-Boss was on of these pricks.

I always thought some of that had to do with Anne Heche having some mental illness issues at the same time wasn’t really helping her either.

Agreed. I didn’t watch the show regularly, and I am not gay. But I made sure to watch that episode. I knew that it was a cultural tipping point. Prior to that, nearly all references to gay characters on TV were fleeting with characters typically being written out after coming out of the closet (like LA Law) and there

Younger people may not realize, this was a HUGE deal at the time. Like, the world stopped and watched this happen.

*Army Aviators