
It wasn’t clear to me that the OP was aware of this (I thought they may simply have been noting, accurately, that Gandhi was unlikely to be the source of this bit of business pablum), but you’re probably correct.

Still, as someone whose own name suffers from the same “Why put the ‘h’ after the ‘d’ when I can just move

Tip for everyone: It’s spelt “Gandhi”. The “h” indicates that the “d” is aspirated.

On the one hand, I agree with this sentiment (it’s never novel to trumpet oneself as The Cool Girl Who Likes Food, and my eyes rolled vigorously upon reading that particular caption); on the other hand, of course Mindy, Olivia, and all women grew up, and continue to live, in a world where pressures and incentives are

I’m sorry that happened to you. I agree that 100 dates over three years suggests at least you’re doing something right and attractive on some level, but, yeah, it still sucks to get so much rejection after the first date [and particularly self-esteem-wrecklingly sucks to consistently have nothing work out, so you have

Out of curiosity (though it ended up working out for you anyway), if you’d been secretly interested in him already, why didn’t you just write to him first?

Oh, of course “Nice profile pic” invites little response. Everything I said was meant in the context of making an actual effort, sending out brief inquisitive messages that aren’t profile pic compliments as you suggest, etc. But, yeah; luck.

Yup. Using okcupid (or any online dating service) as a (straight) guy can be such a soul-wearying, self-esteem-thrashing experience; you have to send out so many messages to get any response at all (thus, those times when women send first messages really stand out as a relief!). Naturally, it’s hard to stay motivated

(I realize I used “both” in reference to a three-way disjunction here. A screwup in editing, and now I’ve lost the edit window. But, believe me, I really am educated! I’m not a fraud!)

Well, yeah. The function of education in the job market is largely just as a certification arms race, right? Just a ritual we go through to compete for jobs that don’t actually make any use of or require our advanced educations, in most cases. So educating us all doesn’t produce many benefits, because the benefits (so

The treatment of Asians was pitiful. However, in Sacha Baron Cohen’s defense, his joke was really about Minions (or, rather, about the reversal of expectations in thinking his deliberately dumb Ali G character was talking naively racistly about Asians when he was actually talking about Minions).

Taken on its face, David Cameron’s statement seems to suggest a fear of too much justice (to paraphrase William Brennan Jr.).