
In a time when people are living, on average in Australia, to 83 years of age... how the hell is 67 too old to be punished for the abuse of children?

So tired of Azealia. You can always tell she has an album on the horizon when she starts kicking up the weirdest bullshit with people. It’s like if Kanye had a sister...

At least I want to high key applaud you for thinking of him, he was so great in Iris

Unfortunately Seunghyun would never be allowed free of the YG shackles that bind him in order to make a movie of James Bond calibre. Plus... probably wouldn’t be the best for his already fragile mental health at the moment.

Oh, I’m very aware of the impact of that colonialism. My family were apart of the Chinese migration into Malaysia, situating themselves in Sarawak. Yes, definitely, Singapore is a country that was essentially carved off of Malaysia. And yes, historically? Ethnic Malays were the predominant group in the 1800s, you’re

Please keep safe

I wouldn’t call Omarosa apart of a ‘fandom’ as much as I would the former Trump cult.

(had to create an account just to comment to this)

Okay, so there’s... quite a bit to that twitter thread that was circling around. To start, I’m Canadian Chinese, my dad was born in Malaysia and my grandfather is from Singapore, to help give this some context.

Yes, the crazy rich in Singapore are ethnically Chinese.