add footage of his wife working with her personal nordstrom shopper to find an outfit to wear to a strip mall grand opening and you’d have the real housewives of Cincinnati too.
add footage of his wife working with her personal nordstrom shopper to find an outfit to wear to a strip mall grand opening and you’d have the real housewives of Cincinnati too.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a positive word uttered about Cruz as a person. even people who agree with his policies dislike him.
I don’t think either are particularly striking. Gigi has an old face and low cheekbones and the Jenner sisters are both too reliant on lip injections.
i’ve been convinced of it ever since the fake pregnancy.
this kind of thing is done for liability reasons. safely removing people who look like agitators (this kid was draped in a trans flag) prevents them from getting punched and suing the venue. there are people (evangelical “street preachers” who set up camp at college campuses and shout hellfire and damnation are…
I’m up here visiting family in Ohio and man... the economy is technically on the up and up but it’s gotten grim.
heroin and prescription opioids have become more popular than meth in that region... lots of manual labor, a declining economy, and a knee-jerk tendency to prescribe oxy’s for any and all acute injuries is enough to decimate a small mountain town.
retaliatory killings are quite common in that industry. and a lot of the trafficking goes on in much more remote parts of the mountains than SE Ohio, where killings aren’t necessarily even reported let alone publicized.
prescription opiates and meth, combined with the shrinking of the coal industry, have really ravaged small towns in the Appalachian region. the OH/WV border has been especially hard hit. you don’t have the same everybody-knows-everybody sense of community that you did 20-30 years ago. they’re surprisingly spread out…
knowing the area I’d guess it was drug related. retaliatory family killings are pretty common in the world of heroin and meth trafficking, albeit not usually entire on-the-grid families like this.
aah, yes thats the worst! the situation is similar for 32D’s... only available in certain styles. fortunately bralettes are in these days, and they’re super cute!
whatever surgeon worked on blac chyna’s nose did her dirty.
haa... yeah I think they only sell bands between 32 and 38 and cups between A and DD. she was probably trying to size you into something she could sell you, thats funny. if i needed a supportive, well-constructed bra id probably never shop there.
dude I agree, their suits were cute and I appreciated that they had some unique pieces. triangle halters and bandeaus get boring after a point.
I’ve had great experiences with their bras... I have one that’s going on 10 years old and still going strong. but i have relatively small boobs and don’t need a ton of support. I’d imagine they’d be frustratingly flimsy for bustier ladies. their associates also have no idea how to size people... i was told by a sales…
perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I think they look ridiculous with white features. I’ve thought (not seriously of course, because I couldn’t afford it) about lip injections before and always arrive at the conclusion that it sounds good on paper but would look very unsexy and uncanny valley on me.
i love his gardening vids
thats exactly my point. i understand theres a time and a place, but what is to be gained by forcing it on everyone? this doesn’t result in more babies, as is understood to be the pro-life goal.
what do these politicians have to gain, politically, by buffering care centers like this? I’m not saying it’s a bad thing for them to exist and that they have no place in the world, but that abortion without the ceremonial bells and whistles is an easier option. surely for a mother who really wants the baby she has no…