Michel's Chow Chow

She looks like a discount Jennifer Lawrence.


The whitest headline ever.

I’ve never commented before, and feel so strange because Jezebel has been my go to site for over a year now.


I’m late to the party but I have big things going on this week and am so excited and nervous.

Any other Jewish Jez readers who dread the Christmas season? Some years I’m okay with all the Merry Christmas-ing and the songs, etc., but most of the time it just depresses me and makes me feel like a stranger in my own city. On the one hand, I know folks, Christians and non-Christians alike, simply enjoy being

This year’s Thanksgiving was just sad. My mother is an amazing cook but this year she had a cold and the green bean casserole and stuffing weren’t up to their usual greatness. We ate super early so we could take the leftovers to my aunt and uncle at my grandmother’s house. My grandmother was there, but she hadn’t been

393 origami flowers later, I’ve completed my living room piece. It’s three of these 20 x 26 shadow boxes to hang over my couch. Took forever, but it adds a nice touch of color.

Duct tape.

My brother introduced me to Cards Against Humanity one having us all play with my grandmother. My brother sucks for an abundance of reasons, but me having to explain to my grandma what a glory hole is, remains in my top 3 grievances against him.

Late season harvest.

I have never understood the appeal of that game. Maybe you just have to be very drunk?

First off, omg your dog is so cute. Second, I love those earrings. Third, your lipstick in on point! Get it, girl.

Mood rn

See, all I took away from this is a sudden craving for sloppy joes.

I hate admitting it, but I kinda thought he had died ages ago, for some reason. I saw that he had died and was like “wait.....he was still living?!”

Typical government bureaucracy.

As someone who has read her book it’s more like years of indoctrination and damaging emotional abuse that started when she was a teen. So try again.

That’s great. I’m glad you love your child’s school. I’d like to learn more about it, especially about their inclusion practices.