“Tender plus sauce equals romantic dinner. EAT THE MATH!”
“Tender plus sauce equals romantic dinner. EAT THE MATH!”
If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.
This dude really likes beer, apparently.
Look, if someone doesn’t like to fly when they don’t have to, but can overcome their fear of flying when necessary, then there’s no way they were sexually assaulted as a teenager. That’s just science.
Here’s what you need to know about Thibs, that explains literally everything you need to know: Thibs is laser-focused on winning every single game, every single night.
Right, obviously Amy Chua doesn’t put her daughter’s potential career success above her emotional and psychological well-being— OH WAIT, SHE LITERALLY WROTE A BOOK ABOUT HOW SHE DOES EXACTLY THAT.
I was livid when Ford’s plans to axe their cars came out. Still am.
I think I have a better idea. The passenger lies side-to-side across the vehicle, perpendicular to the direction of travel. The bed is kind of like a hammock, pivoting at the left and right ends (or head and foot ends). If the vehicle crashes or makes a sudden stop, the bed swings forward, and the passenger’s weight…
Okay. I made this burner account because I need to correct the record here.
The stories passed around since the end of COH have been summed up as “Paragon Studios was so great and perfect until evil NCSoft closed them down.” And obviously telling this story would not be fun for my NDAs of the past...
And no, I’m not…
we just need some medivial mmorpgs with a more realistic style than this cartoonish fantasy stuff, daoc was pretty great with that when it released but its way too old now
She is following her passion.
Honestly, it does almost seem like its own twisted form of sexual harassment, doesn’t it? I doubt he’d be doing that to her if she were a boy. “Conservative” dads have such a creepy sense of entitlement to their daughters’ physical affection. And of course he’ll surely consider himself the personal guardian of her…
Because him and Carr would both have $100 million-plus contracts and it’d eliminate their ability to add more players to a roster that’s full of holes.
1. If Jeff Sessions — child-separating, white-nationalist-sympathizing, the-KKK-is-OK-except-for-the-pot Jeff Sessions — gets fired, it’ll be entirely because he had too much integrity to help his boss obstruct a criminal investigation.
Crime rates in Tallahassee actually dropped substantially in 2017. I know this because I just read this article, and the Donald Trump quote referencing crime in Tallahassee. “Quasar,” I said to myself, “I bet you I could find, in less than ten seconds of research, that this statement by Donald Trump, like every…
That was not a deserted public road. That was a school zone.
Yeah, that response was perfect. I hope that bodes well for November.
The funny thing is Knox is really really good, and Fizdale is really really good. The Knicks might be good soon!