Bigly Chew


That internal fantasy keeps lotto ticket sales going strong. Even the most uneducated, bigoted swamp dweller, with the worst job at Walmart can still look up to people like Dumpf and think, “Man, I could be where he is someday, in Murica.” The scary part is, if it wasn’t for his small bank account, we now know he

I don’t have a high standard for internet lawyering, because it’s always going to be bullshit, but c’mon, at least make an attempt here.

The Restatement isn’t law - it’s an academic document designed to show what the purest/simplest form of the law could be.

Capitalism thrives on this kind of labor. It thrives on people wasting their lives away making less than 1/2 of what they are worth because it’s the only choice they have. As long as retail chains like Home Depot can continue filling positions, they will continue to treat their employees this way.

I’m anticipating the people who would want to jump in and sneer about how these employees are ‘unskilled labor who shouldn’t expect a living wage in retail’ are the exact same people who would throw a fit if an HD employee can’t answer all their product questions about plumbing, electrical and mechanical work.

Which, in my view, only reinforces the fact that it’s a sexist and humiliating tradition in the first place

I agree with all of this. Two additional things:

what should I do with these next 3 years? Suppose I could give hockey a chance.

I wasn’t aware that we really needed a “new” Hitler.

I just love the idea of something that stars strong female characters, but isn’t just a rewrite of an existing story starring a man. I’m sure Ghostbusters and Ocean’s 8 were/will be good movies (I didn’t watch them), but the constant reboots just seem really lazy and it seriously shouldn’t be that hard to come up with

Dude, Trump is President*. We are on Earth 2.

The Earth 2 where LeBron finishes that Game 7 dunk is a much happier and less poisoned world.

The take isn’t “very single Republican is evil, awful, and corrupt because he/she doesn’t support the entire Democratic party platform,” it’s “Here’s yet another Republican that is evil, awful and corrupt, and here’s why.”

Roger Ebert once memorably described it as “I made it on board, now pull up the ladder.”

It was right there..

Cocaine Elaine. Jesus, come on.

This and a Motherboard. Having a good, top of the line (No, I’m not talking fancy fatality shit and heatsinks, I’m talking sockets, RAM timings, compatibility, the IMPORTANT shit). Having these two things future proof your system, but shopping can get tricky if you start shopping when new chipsets are about to be

Why do I feel like your friend’s truck was involved in a murder?