This is one case where I think it’s perfectly alright to prefer the anime over the comic...because it was written and directed by Otomo. He adapted his own story, he made the changes he felt were necessary and - ultimately - it’s a different version that he felt was good enough to put out there as a movie.
He told the…
Battle.net went live with Diablo, not Diablo 2.
It might seem nitpicky...but, there’s a difference of four years between those two games.
While I agree with this sentiment overall (“live and let live/he’s not hurting anyone”)...this is still enabling a mental illness. Where do we draw the line between which to enable and which to work toward stopping?
Clearly, you wouldn’t enable someone suffering from anorexia by agreeing with them when they call…
You’re assuming Blizzard is just going to ban people left and right for absolutely no reason; while their stance against cheating is extremely strict, it’s not exactly Draconian. If you don’t want to get banned, don’t cheat.
If you break the rules in any pay-to-use service, chances are your ability to utilize the…
They’re banning cheaters left and right.
I’m happy to let someone dictate the terms of how their product is used if the money I gave them was in exchange for a license to use their product.
They’re not “fucking anyone over”; they’re banning people knowingly exploiting the game and using third-party software to ruin the…
So, you’re entire argument is based on supposition and “What if?” situations. Until legitimate players are being wrongfully banned, you’ll possibly have a point...but everyone who has been banned so far was banned for the use of third-party software that enabled cheating.
Tad, the catch is that you’re paying for a license to use the game, not the game itself. You receive ownership of a license...and that’s it.
Amongst the many terms of service, one of the stipulations is to not knowingly cheat or use third-party software that enables cheating. If you’re caught doing so, they revoke your…
While you’re not required to play the game with any companions, the entire setup for this particular add-on is a missing person case for Nick Valentine and his illustrious partner, the Player Character.
I used Dogmeat as my only companion for 99% of the game, but I made sure to max out Nick’s relationship (along with a…
That’s not entirely true; there’s at least one companion that turns hostile based on specific faction-based decisions.
They increased the price because they’re effectively doubling the amount of content the season pass was originally going to provide. They also gave us ample time to buy it at the original price...which will still grant access to everything they release. This is a case where I can’t really blame them for doing what…
In the name of fairness, this really isn’t a spoiler at all. Not only did a huge majority of the F4 fanbase assume this would be the case, but revealing the fact that you’ll receive special dialogue isn’t a spoiler. Showing off one line isn’t a spoiler, either.
To be fair, nobody ever really called this a “pacifistic” run. This character is about as pacifistic as, say, the Doctor. He has a (at times loose) “no kill” policy, as well...but he definitely has blood on his hands, indirectly. He wouldn’t kill, but he’d certainly get others to do it for him. At times, when he was…
How could any of the percentages never clear 40%? I regularly see high percentages on most body parts, especially when in relatively close range.
You win this round!
Well, it’s only been out for a week and a half.
It’s not like D2 didn’t require a constant connection if you wanted to avoid most of the cheaters/”hackers” and play on the online-only realms.
I love how Luke Plunkett comes off as a completely condescending prick in this article.
Based on the behavior typically seen online...most people are probably going to behave like bloodthirsty barbarians. When anonymity is involved, people will behave horribly.