
You should read more Kotaku, it’s clearly Street Fighter 69


The pussy hats were dumb. The only thing that ‘got across to people’ was how stupid they were and how everyone wearing them was a sheep. These gloves will ‘accomplish’ the same thing.

Don’t Buy an Apple Laptop Until the New MacBook Air Comes Out They Stop Soldering Memory And SSD Chips To The Motherboards

“Give credit to women publicly in front of other men,” Hall says.

eh...this is...weird...or the application of it is weird. Where I work (SUPER diversified racially, but not M/W), the women get tons of credit, but it feels almost like babying than sincere recognition. After a while it comes off as though the acts are an accomplishment BECAUSE they are women. I KNOW the intent isn’t

There it is. Another article about how men suck.

I waited, and waited, and waited for the new Macbook Pro to be released. I needed a laptop, but the old model was long in the tooth. Shortly after release I ordered a 15" touchbar model. The touchbar annoys me, it serves little purpose, and if I’d had the option of a standard function key bus I would have chose that.

Nothing annoys me about Apple products, because I use PC and Android.

Or! If you like Firefox and this is per Moon’s post on Hackerspace:

Yeah, why show a picture of an actual pc upgrade that improves everything if you dont even mention it at all in the article?

The artist puts sperm in every single work. This is the most dishonest shit this garbage website has ever published.

To work in a time when men and women actually knew who they were sounds amazing.

The conclusion I’m drawing from this is that Apple users don’t like things that don’t say Apple on them.

Well on the Apple subreddit im SURE there is no bias there...

That’s what I suspected. For you guys who suggest “violent revolution,” it’s not really about oligarchs, or lobbying/political power in the hands of the .0001%, is it? Rather, it’s about punishing anyone who’s eking out a better life than you.

“Fake it ‘till you make it” works when you have natural talent to back it up. If you don’t have natural talent you will be exposed as a fraud.


Five Guys is starting to take off over here. I haven't eaten there (yet), but It's one of the most aggressively unsightly eateries I've ever seen, it's like they are consciously trying to be visually abrasive: shiny ceramic surfaces with brilliant red on pure white, it hurts to look at. What would go with such a

Also, something something Trump.