
I hope by oven you mean “toaster oven” because my current oven is a hunk of garbage. Only 1 of the top burners will light without assistance, the other 4 kind of work but the flame is not solid, and the oven itself just does not heat up. It was set up for propane at the grandparent’s house and we switched all the

I don’t like charging things. I don’t wear a fitbit anymore because of how often I had to take it off to charge. I don’t want another thing to worry about. Cables work great. Only thing I need bluetooth for is my car or my speakers when at a bonfire.

I’m going to jump on the fi bandwagon here pretty soon and my wife and I are going to get the x4's. Still has headphone jack and we will now get an sd slot back. I’m sick of deleting shit on my droid turbo to make room. Only think I will miss is the huge ass battery but I’ll deal.

My visions on clothes shopping are probably skewed since I’m a guy and also don’t care about fashion, but I do 99% of my clothes shopping at thrift stores like Plato’s Closet. I can get name brand jeans for $15 or so and my shirts are usually plaid style button ups which can be gotten for $10 or so a pop. I spend less

What if I only listen to music from youtube?

I do it intentionally with my friends’ kids. I played fetch with a 1 year old.

I don’t have kids but I have a dog. Kids and dogs are exactly the same thing. If you think otherwise you are wrong. Anyway, yelling “Shut the fuck up!” works sometimes. Other times he just keeps barking at me. Usually you can get them to stop by giving them a rawhide or throwing a ball.

I’ve used wax paper in the oven and on my grill before. It was not the best results but I still ate the food. I wouldn’t make a habit of it though...

Tater Tot hot dish or bust

I wish my doctors had tats

Diet coke is always bad. Either its bad for you or it just tastes bad. It has no positives.

Not gonna happen. Especially in video editing. One screen is basically just for the video and the timeline. The other is for all the other information windows, effects controls, media browser, etc.

And for audio editing one is for my audio editor and the other is for reading dumbass blogs like this. If you want to stop


Not that I needed reminding, but this entire article is reminding me why I have no desire to go to nyc.

Twitter ruined twitter years ago.

Maybe women should be better at understanding, then we wouldn’t have to explain as much.


People didn’t know about this already?

I am at work surrounded by people and I read the comments and it still scared me. And there are no wooden doors near me at all.

I’m not balding, but I just like hats. Can’t we just like hats?