I'm more shocked they can use Twitter.
I'm more shocked they can use Twitter.
Nope, they should be humiliated, this is junk.
TIL Russia produces beers with single digit ABV.
Time measured in multiple sclerosis is a long time indeed...
Can I just point out that the units here are in megaseconds. But, then again, the s shouldn't be capitalized either. They must mean multiple sclerosis.
Of course they only fly by day. How else would you see their sweet tiger livery.
That's quite an impassioned response to a bad joke.
I can't tell if Zenvo hired the North Korean or the old Iraqi Information Minister as their PR person.
On the one hand, yes we lost that war and had our capital sacked and burned.
On the other hand we don't put the queen on our money and ask her permission to form a government.
8. Illiteracy
Fuck you.
Ashley Wagner's hand-wringing about dodgy scores and shady decisions seems really rich, given the circumstances surrounding her inclusion into the Olympic team.
What goes around comes around.
What I HATE is that here in California we're watching coverage 12 hours delayed, the results of which we either know or can easily find out. Yet NBC chooses to show the WARM-UPS before each group skates! On delayed coverage!
Reporter: Hey Alex, just one last question- when you were out there, were you thinking about your recently deceased brother?
I'm sorry, you must be unfamiliar with The Daily Screencap, a new Deadspin feature we introduced almost two years ago.
Poor sled design appears to be the problem. You want the country name on top and the abbreviation on the bottom.
And what about "gold plated" hdmi cable, is it worth to buy them?
This just goes to prove my point that we "get mostly grief in return", thank you, @chimera388.
Well, I'll never get that 68 seconds back.