Smash the beetles! Smash them!
Smash the beetles! Smash them!
Most valuable to society AND his shareholders would be to release the patents for the charging system, connections, and battery swap system. The biggest barrier to Tesla adoption is how uncommon the ability to charge it is. If they release the patents and then every Chevron/Shell/Texaco in the country can charge your…
Currently almost our entire stock of F-4 Phantoms have been shot down as aerial target drones. We are currently converting the oldest of our F-16 fleet to fill the same role.
I'm on the "RPAs aren't drones" bandwagon. If someone has to be physically at a set of controls acting as the control system for the aircraft for all or nearly all of the crafts air time, I'd say it's not a drone. If it's capable of doing its primary function (flying) without human input for hours on end it's a drone,…
Lifehacker, any idea why I can't "like" your Facebook posts? It seems other people can but I don't see the like button on my page. I like having the option of sharing your posts to my friends who follow Lifehacker but not share them to my friends who sadly don't care. Is it a Facebook setting I accidentally checked?…
I hear the numbers on Bajor are dragging the whole galaxy down.
Glad to see people still dehumanize us. Jerk.
Well when your opponent has no IADS, anything you can strap a bomb to is sufficient.
As a firearms realism nitpicker, I was hugely surprised to see quality realism in this movie. Realistic malfunctions, capacities, even choosing the right tool for the right job was not only included, but utilized to great benefit as a plot device. Additionally, the story of friendship and family in the face of…
Link to original so I can make this my banner pic?
Thanks for the replies, all. I bought a USB to HDMI cable, and it worked pretty well. I was giving a briefing on how to use a SmartPhone effectively to one of the offices in my organization. I wanted them to be able to see what I was doing on my phone. It worked pretty darn well.
Always cracks me up to see the funny things people think the CIA does. Same for NASA.
:( Note 3. Stock 4.3
Anyone know of a way to mirror your Android's screen to a Chromecast?
They want my suicide prevention briefing? They can have it.
Hah! I just saw this on Facebook last week when one of my mentors posted it. He's the pilot for the rear Herc.
No, but they did detonate several nuclear bombs in holes and observe the way the craters reacted, and measure the fallout levels contained by the dirt that fell on top of the blast site. At least do me the courtesy of Googling what I'm talking about before getting sarcastic with me.
So can the DoD finally stop pretending that only old versions of IE are safe? Can I use a modern browser at work now?
That's not how it worked in the test ranges in Nevada.
You mean convenient. Fallout can be contained by piles of Earth falling upon it,