
Mine says:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]

Is a propensity for clickbait headlines and a disdain of firearms required? Or is that included in OJT?

I kid, I kid :)

Mine would say:

Wake Source [0]
Type: Static Discharge
Feline Culprit

I can see my house from here!

The tragedy of linkbait. I expect a picture that is in some way horrible or appalling, and I get a person recreating next to an industrial plant on a clean beach with a beautiful mist hanging in the air.

I'm torn on Tesla. Of course they should be allowed to sell their product by whatever means they want to, but on the flipside, since their whole business model is based of selling carbon credits and tax credits, why should I champion their cause when my taxes pay for their business?


Correct, up to the insurance limit per account which I think is $200,000 now.

Anyone who took their cryptocurrency that was invented for the purpose of decentralizing money, and then centralized it in a trading card website got what they deserved

Anyone who took their cryptocurrency that was invented for the purpose of decentralizing money, and then centralized it in a trading card website got what they deserved.

No, the FDIC only insures dollars. They have no interest in maintaining the credibility of Bitcoin, so they don't ensure them. Anyone who took their cryptocurrency that was invented for the purpose of decentralizing money, and then centralized it in a trading card website got what they deserved.

We have I and J Street in Lancaster, CA. It's never caused me the least bit of confusion. Our numbered streets are also Nth Street East or Nth Street West, whereas the letters are Avenue X, so there's really no way to confuse a lettered street with a numbered one.

If you live in the area, these will be at the LA County Airshow in Lancaster the weekend of March 21st.

Now see THAT'S smart linkbait. Teach your colleagues :-)

Wait, you didn't call them scary, or terrifying, or anything like that. Are you okay? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH DIAZ!!!

You mean something that won't get you fired :P

Did anyone else come here expecting a cyber security article?

I'm one of those people. When someone is trying to kill you, having a "duty to retreat" which is the legal opposite of "stand your ground" is obscene. I want all the decision making going on inside the potential victim's head to be "how can I do my best to not die right now", not "how can I do my best to not die right

Someone has a case of the internet crankiness!