
@apeguero: Fuck yeah. Between F1 and NBA2K11 I'm set for games way into the new year.

How exactly are HTPC users going to handle the HDMI passthru/overlay that GoogleTV uses?

@artysx: Why do people think you need your UUID tied to a dev account to upgrade to 4.2? I got the file from a dev friend of mine, and upgraded with no issues at all.

@Dreamwriter: Steve announced at the last event that 4.2 is iPhone and iPad.

@Crisss1205: Is that new? I've always installed beta firmwares using iTunes with no issues.

@NINE: Your experience is exactly the same as mine. My iPad has become my coffee table/bedside device, it replaced my laptop for those situations and is far better. Instant on and doesn't need charging for days unless I watch a lot of video. I still keep a desktop for video encoding, and business type stuff but for

@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: Really? I've read more books since I got my iPad than I had read in the 3 years prior to getting it. I just wasn't a big reader, but now I read every chance I get. Reading magazines in PDF form is also nice now that iBooks has that functionality built in. My wife has a Kindle 2 and I

Funny how they didn't address the biggest complaint about the S8000 - the popup flash is exactly where your left hand index finger rests when holding the camera, which stops it from popping up when needed. I love my 8000, but they should have redesigned that.

@Mark 2000: I give a shit because you're going to be the first of a great many people expecting this same thing, and I was honestly trying to understand the mindset behind it. I think all of this is academic anyway because if Apple DO issue revised hardware fix, it's going to cost them millions in replacements and it

@Mark 2000: I'm certainly not an Apple apologist, far from it actually. However, you bought a phone, you have known about this defect for quite some time now, Apple's fix was to give a free case. You decided to keep the phone so obviously it's not affecting you that bad. But somehow, you feel like you deserve a

@Mark 2000: yep, being a whiny bitch is absolutely the right way to get what you want. You had 30 days to return it if you didn't like it.

@Mark 2000: There won't be a recall. You got a free case, that's your fix.

@Kin Enriquez: Did you miss all of the posts last week about fixing the 3G speed on iOS4?

@my name is jonas: Is it showing any of your "regular" data usage? As has been mentioned below, it's the daily data report, nothing to see here.

@Michael Lewis: Exactly. It's not showing any data usage any other time. Does this man's wife not ever use data on her iPhone?

@Patrick O'Neill: if it's not over 3g, why would it show up on your ATT statement?

I see a lot of those late-night transfers, but no other data usage even though email and web are in constant use throughout the day. Are we sure those numbers aren't just cumulative usage numbers from the previous day, and the time shown is just when ATT updated their records that night?

Once again for those that are afflicted by this issue :

@acidrain69: I posted this yesterday in 2 threads and also to the #tips section, and no-one paid a bit of fucking attention. Something that actually helps 3G users, and Giz ignores it.