
In today’s world, it is assumed everyone has typing skills and that spellcheck will catch any errors, yet attention to detail is a desired skill. Proofreading and knowing the fundamentals (this includes proofreading a spellchecked document) is necessary in the business world to not experience embarrassing errors.

I don’t know if you’ve watched any of it yet, but Rich is just paraphrasing what she herself said in one of the episodes here. Not that I disagree with your take - hopefully Demi herself comes to some understanding of that too.

My perspective is that if I’ve found myself in a situation in which I have to shoot my way out, I already done fucked up somewhere along the line.

John calls into the camera, “Moderation doesn’t work. Sorry!”

Does she not have every right to “shun” her abusive father, regardless of his mental health status...?

I’m really curious about this but don’t know if I’ll be able to sit through the whole thing. She’s just insufferable and annoying to me and it’s not because she admitted to a drug problem or eating disorder. If anything, I feel compelled to have empathy for her, I just wish I didn’t find her personality so off-putting.

To be clear: I don’t think we’re headed for a GenX reign anything like what we’ve seen with the Boomers. I suspect at the presidential level, we’ll get at most 1 or 2 administrations led by competent GenX-ers before a rising Millenial generation starts squeezing them out. We should likewise start seeing people in

english cadbury chocolate tastes too dairy for me which is odd b/c i love chocolate milk.

I think that’s only in the afternoon/evening. 

Interesting.  I’ve been watching The Food that Built America on The History Channel, and they mentioned that Milton Hershey did something different with the cows his milk came from, to get a specific flavor. I’m sure vomit flavor was not what he was going for.  Hershey’s doesn’t take like puke to me; I love it.

I know he’s a grown man and all, but these style of pap photos always remind me that these folks never get a quiet moment when they can just walk their dog in peace, even when they are masked.

The coverage I’ve seen on CBC news hasn’t yet shown much of a political angle; it is definitely tending more toward your “blithering idiots” theory.

Where I live, a popular expression is “We’re all in this together”. It’s meant to be a sort of blessing or form of unity, but in reality, unfortunately, it’s more like a curse.

If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.

Wouldn’t be wonderful if we had a system of health care that people wouldn’t have to depend on the kindness of strangers?

My daughter has the top outfit! She wears it with high top converse and it looks great! 

It’s been a while since I dropped in here, but two weeks ago it was my grand daughter’s 9th birthday and all she wanted was a puppy of her own. (We’ve only had a cat until now). So we bought her one! A Cavoodle named Bailey. :+)

Hey Jezzies, how are yall tonight?

I found City of Ghosts recently on Netflix. It’s the most chill kids show — 6 episodes only 20 minutes each, about Los Angeles history and culture. The style is really creative and pretty, and it teaches kids about indigenous culture/language, history, multi-ethnic neighborhoods, language, family, expressing yourself,

I love Key West. The polydactyl cats are at Hemingway’s home - a must see!