Yassss I love this feature! That apartment one has fucked me up since the first time I read it. But not as much as the burning house evil bureau one. You guys remember that?
Yassss I love this feature! That apartment one has fucked me up since the first time I read it. But not as much as the burning house evil bureau one. You guys remember that?
I have always been very impressed by sheer amount of news the New York Times covers—the resources for their reporters and investigative journalists is astounded.
I’m really confused. The student was in gym class, right? So the student must use one of the two locker rooms during gym class, right? So how was it not immediately clear that the student should take shelter in whatever locker room they normally use?
Last day to register in many states is tomorrow. Spread the word!
Sigh, I miss the binders full of women days. It was so simple back then.
So “Justice” Rapey McBoof-Face has binders full of women just like Mittington Q Romney. Why am I not surprised?
#whyididntreport; because I was not a “perfect victim”. I was a “fast girl”, with feelings and needs I didn’t quite understand, but wanted to act upon. I’ve slept with my fair share of people (men and women), and now as an adult, make no apologies for it.
Just dismiss them. Never feed trolls.
That took 6 minutes. A new record I think.
“Probably something about how unfair it is that we are holding a rich white male accountable for something they did; that seems to be the theme of the year.”
It’s not a double standard, but you’ve stated a false equivalency.
Also, sit down Rose.
We have Donald Trump admitting on tape that he sexually assaults women, but a scary large percentage of our country believes his accusers are liars.
This needs more attention because I’m tired of seeing other comments buying into the false narrative that she began the #metoo movement.
I hope the writer’s room at “Tracey Ullman’s Show is working on a sketch of Camilla at the palace door dealing with Samantha Markle right now. It’d be pure Tracey gold.
The “they” here seems to refer specifically to women. “I just think they’re losers,” McGowan says. “I don’t like them. How do I explain the fact that I got a GQ Man of the Year award and no women’s magazines and no women’s organizations have supported me?”
Rose is pulling a Kanye. Never go full Kanye.
C’Mon Rose...get over yourself. The movement was always about more than you. I feel bad for your pain, but you can’t erase that by bullying other survivors. Maybe you’re not invited places because you’re sort of a dick who wants to control the narrative? Maybe? Ya think?
#metoo wasn't born in Hollywood and it won't die there either.
I wrote a complete breakdown of all the Florida amendments on my FB, and then I consolidated them and posted them again. Then I sent them to a bunch of people. And I sent the registration information from The Root. Then I offered to take people to vote. And then I posted the Florida breakdown again.