
Kids, keep your hands to yourself. Adults, save the prosecuting for real crimes and how about just give these grabby kids a stern talking to and explain what sexual harassment is so they don’t carry this crap with them to adulthood.

My husband and I would hardly ever argue if one of us was dead.

What you said. Also crumpets are delicious.

I think it’s about time we had an important conversation about the family dinner theater chain Medieval Times. The actual Medieval period was rife with the treatment of women and the poor as chattel, the persecution of religious and ethnic minorities, and European conquest and appropriation that has strong lingering

I wouldn’t mind getting a glimpse into the writing department you guys actually feel outrage at this simplistic crap, or do you just sit around and think about what you can get the readers angry over?

Screw this guy. You know what I did while my wife was away on important business this weekend? I cleaned the kitchen within an inch of its life, did 5 loads of laundry and cooked the best goddamn BBQ chicken on this side of the Mississippi. Thats how you fill a power void, motherfucker.

If you need to emphasized you’re not a racist you might want to rethink what you’re doing

Actually, the Post article specifies Africa as the origination point. It also fails to understand what’s actually meant by the term “boxer braid”, which is supposed to encompass both underhand and overhand large braids in a front-to-back configuration. The photo they use at the top of the article isn’t even an

Its like how often the only way to get a creep to leave you alone is to say you’re already dating someone. Women and, their thoughts and feelings, don’t matter in and of themselves, but only as they relate to a man. Once again demonstrating that a disturbingly large number of men just don’t see women as real people.

This is on Jezebel because there’s no reason it shouldn’t be.

As a parent of a small daughter all I can say is your right but you are going to exhaust yourself. My daughter is also multi cultural, and if I had to sit her down and fight every micro bs moment we wouldn’t have time to have fun with life. The best I can teach her is that it is up to her to define her own existance,

Maybe I am a terrible person, because I still finds this hilarious.

Understanding that things need to be paid for by somebody? that line of thinking?

Yeah, I think we should cut the military budget by at least half, get rid of farm subsidies, and reform the prison system. I just didn’t feel the need to outline my fiscal policy when wondering about maternity leave.

How do other countries finance it? Is it part of their healthcare or are the private businesses on the hook? I can see making it a part of comprehensive healthcare, but making individual businesses pick up the tab seems shitty. Not all employers are a Fortune 500 company. And if a woman has six kids should the public

Not when I say it. I guess we’re all the same, though. All of us white people have the same upbringing, viewpoints, advantages in life.

Well I’m not white, so your criticism of my post is nothing but pure adulterated racism. And you can’t refute it because your skin is too light to have a valid opinion on the matter.

Whoa, it’s almost like making abortion more difficult to obtain doesn’t make the need for abortion go away.

I’m gonna march out my front door and punch the first Republican I can find. Bye.

well it was a fun controversy while it lasted folks