Citric aid is my holy grail. I have super hard water and it handles everything.
Citric aid is my holy grail. I have super hard water and it handles everything.
This one is going on the list.
LOL, I didn’t even have a 20 year old’s back when I was 20. Thanks for the input.
Thank you!
I get it, I am frustrated and angry too! I don’t judge anyone else who is as well. Most people haven’t heard anything about it because the vaccines are so new that there’s just not much known yet. I have been essentially on a one woman mission to draw attention to this as people cast aside their masks.
Question for better bicyclists than I-
If I may...
And immunocompromised people, potentially millions of them-
My sympathies.
Except for the anti-vaxxers, but if they die, fuck ‘em.
There’s no walk in vaccines in my (blue btw) state. There’s a lot of vaccine sites but also a lot of people who want & qualify for the vaccine. I am registered and waiting my turn but it is difficult getting appointments where I’m from.
Happy birthday. Covid is a shit birthday present and I’m sorry about that. I hope that you’re on the mend soon.
OMG yes!
It’s a Catcher in the Rye reference. TBH when I did my username many years ago the first several I tried were already in use and it was mostly born of frustration.
Say “whatever” to me and I will take you down. In any context, it just fires me up.
I think your first point is spot on.
Meh. I guess that I am doing as well as can be expected. Thank you for asking.
I did not. My dogs were large so a grinder wasn’t really necessary (Although towards the end, boo-dog was toothless so I probably could have used one.)
You really earned that win and I am so sorry that you had to go through so much to get it. Things are so hard and bleak right now. I’m glad you recognized that you needed some help and had a resource like your friend to get you through. Hang in there, better days are coming.
I went to a wedding once where they entirely skipped serving us the dinner entree. Not “us” as in all of the guests or even my table- just my spouse and me. We had RSVP’d and arrived on time to the reception venue. They brought the meal to everyone at the table but us. It was odd because we were served the first…