
Interesting.  Do you have any  links?  I’d love to know more about this. 

I like them because I am short and it saves me from paying for alterations.

Someday, you or someone you care about be in a situation where they need a little more consideration and compassion from their fellow humans. When that happens your best hope will be that the people around you & them have better takes than this.

Thanks for this Beth! I have two questions.

A splash of vinegar makes the grossest pots and pans easier to clean, especially if you’ve got hard water.

I wish we could go with the proven 3-4 week interval instead of the extended 4 month interval that’s been adopted here in Canada. I understand that it *might* be just fine but I’d love to be sure.

Yes, that was the AZ.  And that’s what I mean-- they’ve been having issues from the get-go.  Wrong dosing, blood clots, varying effficacy statistics.  It’s all a little much.  Canada has paused AZ for the under 55 population.  That’s not helping my confidence at all.  

Right? Not to mention that the Mr Softee driver has probably been working there a lot longer than Mr Cranky pants.

Watching in bed with those mirrors reflecting everything  would drive me nuts.

Nope. I cannot either.

I love everything about this. 

Muttering and drooling.

I keep thinking we’ve reached peak dumb then I learn of something like this. 

You’re a solid commenter known to many folks over there. Your voice would be most welcome. 

If my general well being weren’t an issue...

That’s my kind of birthday meal!

Happy birthday!  I hope your mac and cheese is delicious.

Don’t get me wrong, I will take whatever vaccine I am eligible for. I do hope that it’s one with a proven higher efficacy and less black marks against it.  I prefer a manufacturer whos data is iron clad.

I’m not worried about what it will do to me (in terms of side effects I mean). It’s more about what it will (or won’t) do for me. I mean, they gave THE WRONG DOSE in some of their initial trials. That doesn’t inspire confidence.

Hey there! I’m burying this in an old comment response in an effort to not attract trolls.