Chilly Willy

How are you loading your truck and do you use tie-downs? I have no problems with 8 ft lumber in the bed. 10 ft now is a bit sketchy.  

Alexa doesn’t recognize your voice so an intruder can probably yell Alexa unlock front door and they’ll get in.

eh... that’s two

They just need to get Chris Hensen to tell the preadator to have a seat ....

I have a Gatorade bottle that I’ve cut the bottom almost complete off. And when i remote the filter, i have fit the cut end over the filter as i unscrew, I let the filter and the oil drop into the bottle.  

They should add that as part of the State inspection - check for recalls

Bird feeder in the tree. Problem fixed

Even if that flavor isn’t objectively good and has just been learned throughout their life. i.e. bacon

I was at Jack in the Box once, I ordered for “dine in” and the cashier placed all my items in a bag. As she was handing me the bag, she remembered that my order was for eat in, she looked up and said you order for here right? I said “yes” and she grab a tray and placed all the bagged items on the tray and handed the

Harvey wasn’t bigger then other normal hurricanes, the issue was with the two high pressure areas that caught Harvey after it made land fall and turning it around instead of letting it move pass the coastal area. This allow Harvey to get moisture from the gulf. Please stop blaming global warming.

With Social Security the user has paid in with tax collected. One does not have to put money in to collect SNAP.

simple fix ... don’t buy it and they won’t make it any more...

That’s a pretty dumb comment. the make up of the team would really depend what job the team was doing. IF it was a job that required some sort of specialized degree or experience there may not have been a equal number of men and women in to pool to begin with. For me it, I always want the best candidate for the job,

Never towed but i would think the areo drag of the boat would be less that a car (unless you’re talking cross wind).

My friend just got his helmet 2 weeks ago. I guess he got lucky (kinda).

Unfortunately, he (the thief) didn’t think so.

Looks like they may be using the same method to pull these off

exactly, afterwards they are best buds.

Yup, you can heard the one of the guys videoing say “he’s not letting him pass” so it’s a dumbass (z guy) who was unfortunately met a bigger dumbass. (Ram Guy).

American or European?