
... because I'm Batman! >:D

ahahahaha. ikr? good thing i still has an iPhone 3GS then.... >w<

There's a jailbreak-only app in China called QQ Music that basically does the same... except it's in Chinese. xDD

lol, I actually type faster when I go back to correct my mistakes rather than go back and correct Auto-correct's mistakes.... o.o

It helps in awkward conversations.... :DD

Why don't people just turn off auto-correct? :P

lol. >.>


lol, no you're not. :D

Sorry guys, imma computer noob but...

Ouch. I'm Chinese, you gonna spit in my face? >.> Does it matter whether or not we were born in America, or Britain, or Australia and are citizens? Or do you spit in the face of ANY Chinese you see? For that matter, can you even tell the difference between us and Koreans or Japanese? Are Hong Kongnese and Taiwanese

i can imagine all the shopping carts bumping into each other... (:

I was at a friend's sleepover once and one of my friends fell asleep. So we started to draw on her face, as a prank. All of a sudden she said, "stop it you guys, it's not funny. i can see you." My friend and I just paused and were all like: omg she's a ninja. The next morning we told her about it and she couldn't

lol. that probably explains why my friend eats so much ice cream... o________o

lol, I thought a paragraph consists of three sentences? (:

ahahaha. Our math teacher saw this google doodle and made us write a paragraph about Hertz. (:

Me too (: looks pretty interesting...

Aww. Chipotle got dissed. :P

I actually thought that they were gonna shove the crab in the picture down somebody's throat to cure cancer. o________o

lol. right, i keep forgetting that! XD i'm studying in HK and we say dollars (HKD) here. :P technically though, in china they say renminbi :|