
meh. i has no followers so i only use twitter to stalk people. =3=

When my mom heard about tiger mom, she was all like: I wasn't like her at ALL, right? I never cared about your grades, I never forced you to do anything....

ikr? Beiber on SNL? Gag.. T.T

Gah! What is this DVR that you speak of? And why is it not in front of my viewing box for me to pause thy commercials? T.T

I agree with @negitoro.. 3000 dollars a month is a lot more than what an average factory worker would make per month. Heck, most office workers don't make that much per month in China. :P AND boarding and food is included!

uh.. What about the Chicken McNuggets? Q.Q

Oh Onion. That's just epic. <3

-shrugs- I used my iPhone 3gs without a case and it slips from my hand.. a lot.. and when that happens, the phone falls face down to the floor and the screen cracks =.= i've had to replace my screen multiple times because i didn't have a case Q.Q

There wouldn't really be much to write about in China... except for all the counterfeit games they sell in the electronic markets.. :P

That's exactly what I was thinking too...

hmm. i can access most of those sites.... is it becuz i'm in China?

Yup, I hope Finnick's gonna be hot <3

yeah that makes a lot of sense.

YES TEAM FINNICK!! yeeeshh!!! :DDD

wow. this is just tooo awkward.....

this is the kind of thing stupid people say on facebook: the freaking governemt closed wikipedia its not just down they might shut it down forever or make you pay to use it same thing with craiglist and those kind of websites thats why craiglist is down also.

dammit Barbara Boxer, HOW COULD YOU??!! =.=

Pocky!! NOMNOMNOM (:

I thought the best thing about the Suberbowl were the commercials?