
"This show sucked, I didn't even pay attention while watching it." - Great commentary.

The futile absurdity motif is pretty heavy handed. The antique stamp that starts this seasons chain of events is a depiction of Sisyphus rolling the stone up the hill.

Zing! But to answer your question, no that was not a menstruation pun.

I really like the fact that this show is a 'Period Piece' of sorts but that period is less than a decade ago.

I can't wait for that Plumbus to go off in season three.


A guest could also get stinko drunk on Whiskey and fall off a cliff all Wiley Coyote like. I'm sure the waiver these folks sign before entering the park absolves Westworld of all liability.

Also it seemed that S2 was trying to answer to some of the criticisms of S1; namely no well developed female characters. Which I think was a fair criticism of S1 but resulted in S2 being slightly less uncompromising in its vision.

Years from now people on message boards are going to complain about how "No one understood True Detective S2 and how big a shame it is the series didn't get renewed." I think it may end up being the Pinkerton of TV series' seasons.

Because he was loudly bragging about it in public.

I forget where chronologically that scene was. Did that loss of two hours prevent Hanzee from intercepting Ed and Peggy somewhere? I recall there being many near misses between them. Perhaps that was intentional on the aliens' part in order to sow even more chaos down the road.

She's realized.

Five Hundred Dollery Doos?!?!?

I believe the wedding custom dictates that a close relative give the bride away. 'Reek' is not even human so therefore has no relatives so it was necessary 'Theon' be present at the ceremony to adhere to customs.

"I know a guy."

From early on in this adventure Bronn has been critical of Jamie's lack of planning. He foresaw their betrayal by the captain of the ship whom Jamie bribed. Then in this episode he asks Jamie what his plan is after they grab the princess and after Jamie responds that he likes to improvise Bronn responds soberly

Anyone else notice the imagery of Mike in the booth at the end of the episode. He looks like a troll and he resides under a bridge. Mike is a bridge troll.

Maybe it's some crazy code and once deciphered leads to a web address that turns out to be a job application for Google. I recall google posting a bill board with a really complex mathematical puzzle on it and the solution was just that.

Fink as a verb means to inform the authorities. Or in the parlance of our day, Narc. In that episode Bart inadvertently narcs on Krusty to the IRS. Perhaps it should have been titled "Bart the Finker".

Anyone else notice the similarity of Rust's M-Theory spiel while holding the flattened can to LeDoux's "Time is a flat disc." rambling? Makes me think, similar to what others have posted, that Rust goes deep under cover into the Yellow King Cult in the time he went off the grid.