Chillionaire 711

Was going to jump in to take a side on this.... but then I remembered my PC is just a work laptop, and I own an Xbox.

I think the point MS is trying to make is that it’s not any different. This isn’t about MS trying to get Sony to stop making exclusivity deals... it’s about responding to Sony’s claims that the deal is unfair.

For ‘date night’, I’m voting for Micto Macro Crime City. This game will get you and your date exploring crime scenes together, interacting, and engaging in a multi playthrough campaign that will last several date nights. Very accessible game hitting on the lower end of the complexity scale.

For ‘date night’, I’m voting for Micto Macro Crime City. This game will get you and your date exploring crime scenes

Seach for "how much is a professional go kart". It's crazy, but $10,000 came back as the answer. 

I got MAJOR deja vu vibes reading this response. Please tell me you’ve posted something similar in the past so I know I’m not going crazy.