Chilling With A Grin

Dedwan knows what they call a Civil War in France.

Fucking love these highlight reels ^_^

My first thought upon seeing Swinton in this trailer is that she looks odd and out of place.


...Yes, I realize Baron Mordo is black.

Aside from my gripes, re: the casting and how spectacularly white it is—I am fairly hype and tentatively going to say this movie is going to be amazing if they can land the right tone and visuals.

Aren’t Scarlet Witch’s powers some sort of magic?

Damn. I like it.

Doctor Strange is going to be the hardest to push into the MCU. That’s not saying I’m not happy to see the movie, or that this trailer didn’t get me a bit hyped, but I am wondering how it’ll all key together.

The skyrim clip ROFLLL

Aw jeez, that zombie cars parking lot was the best glitch ever. Some major, major lols there I must say!

The music in that video........oh god. So.......horrible

Welp, I suppose I deserve that for my snarkiness.

Sci-Fi Zelda would be... interesting. I’m down.