@GuanoLad: It's probably the chitinous nature of the insect exoskeleton, which at a larger scale produces a sound close to your description.
@GuanoLad: It's probably the chitinous nature of the insect exoskeleton, which at a larger scale produces a sound close to your description.
@MaWeiTao: And it needs an air horn.
@hawkeye18 is not from Iowa: Lasers, pew pew
@ivan256: You're doing it wrong. Who said you have to go into that store and look for a certain game? See? This is where you go wrong.
@Y2KGTP: What?! No!! Go to a retailer now, they have great prices on PC games! Forget the fact you want to play now, and have a valid credit card. Just go to a store, if it's not past closing time, that is.
@Saturn666: I wonder if the molten flux will show up like a rainbow on a pcb...
@SmoothDaddyG: Is there an app to send magic to the engine bay? *From my iPad* ?
@bukalemun: Hum, were they trying to set a new record on dominoes?
@Gilliam: I'd scratch your comment if I were you and get to it.
@Sobutosu: Why, they could also make a donation. I think it would suit you better.
@Clixx13: Hell Yes Problem! If it IS sponsoring I want my link to the highres version of the poster asap.
@xGhost4000x: Check out his car (and the trunk of it, seems full of gear).
@johnwonderbread: Quick, get married, have kids!
@Se7en_speed: I see you want to drink your way into 2011.. Just how low do you think the prices will drop? Do you know something we don't? Confess!
@nosirrahg: smooth ride?
@jncarlos: Yes. It was precisely around that figure, approximately 6-20, no more, no less.
@mjt: I guess that's gotta be one of the most expensive antivirus software ever.