@Se7en_speed: *puts label on wallet 'open only after christmas'*
@Se7en_speed: *puts label on wallet 'open only after christmas'*
@Yournamehere!: Well, actually it might push you away from a jet pack, as in making jet technology obsolete.
@Jesse Tobiason: Well I'm .. uh.. yeah.. the.. okay..
@Amoliski: Squirrels, most likely.
@synchronicityii: "But no, not malice or conspiracy theories to sell more handsets."
@LS1RX7owen: A B monologue. Bravo!
@meatbag_pussrocket: Eine extremely Korrekt komment mein Herr.
@Tyrunn: Huh.. Death, we simply can't live without it.
@Tyrunn: Unfortunately, there will be wars at any given time. It's a boost to economy (at least parts of it), and a psychological factor.
@cormack: Aside from Germany not respecting those limitations in the late years prior to the war, all the limitations did was to push the Germans towards having a small army, but highly capable one.
@Tyrunn: What should have been a measure to hold them back was actually the greatest push forward.
I wonder about the clonking noises this thing does when walking down the street.
@snapoversteer twts teh body elctrc: I see what you did there..
@schivvers: ..modified...
@Zaphod_Has_a_Heart_of_gold: It's pretty hard to find people qualified enough to restore old cars. I'm having trouble finding a mechanic good enough for a '89 car, I imagine one from '73 would be close to impossible.
@doktavian: Hm, BB's, now that's a term I didn't think I'd find here. Assuming it's related to what I'm thinking of. Do you refer to the 6mm ones by any chance?
@OMGItsWeasel: You can add to that trying to run from the police, and attempting to steal a car for that.
@deadrabbit: Well you genuinely have a point.