Chill Hollywood

Then why do you carefully avoid to label her actions as horrible? That was the strongest worded criticism you could muster "obviously Khoza didn't deserve to have acid thrown on his penis"

Ye of course, a punch in the face is completely justified, but why are you justifying mutilating somebody? That is sick.

Really? That's interesting. Permanent damaged and disfigurement because of a sex tape that got on the internet? The punishment doesn't fit the crime. Not that I would ever covertly film anyone, but if this was me in that situation, I wouldn't press charges either. But only because I would want to handle the

I do. Grew up Catholic. Never really had a bad experience.

Having been raised by ultra-Christian/ultra-Liberal parents I always resent the notion that believing in God also means you don't understand science or marriage equality or vaccinations.

We don't agree often but I'm totally behind this. I get frustrated with people who say things like this and it really doesn't make you any better than the super religious people who are saying shit like that about non-believers.

I think that's fine.

Why the quotes. He consulted. Just because he knows Bill Cosby doesn't mean that he was complicit in his behavior (or even had an inkling of what he was doing.) And I don't get the "yuck" factor, either. I mean, he is a black Haitian immigrant who was active in the civil rights movement who managed to get an education

Good for you. I've concluded that my (desired) zero tolerance policy would leave me with exactly 0 men to be friends with or date, so I've been forced to loosen my standards. Keep fighting the good fight.

I'm confused: Why no mention of race? Everyone knows that cops don't kill white people and that only black people get killed by white cops for being black. That's what Deadspin/Gawker have highlighted over the past six months or so, that race is always tied to police shootings and officers not being punished.

I'm really surprised I don't see comments from people questioning why this video was posted. Further disseminating this video only increases any abuse and violation she may feel. Is it really worth it? Obviously Jezebel thinks so. I guess I'm just surprised more readers don't disagree.