Chill Hollywood

Come at me bro! JK why can't we all just get along? :p

The idea behind "Freedom of Speech" is that governments shouldn't have the right to punish those who speak their mind.

Tl;dr: You're a moron saying that free speech means that governments aren't allowed to violate your rights but private people, mobs and terrorist groups are. That is one stupid claim right there!

Poor old men... saying such stupid things.

Yeah, and all three of them are really nice people.

Right, its only 98.5%.

Is there a compelling reason we need to be purposely offensive?

Then I can draw the Prophet Muhammad because he is a historical figure who is the inspiration for billions. I can criticize him can I not? You should always be empathetic to the dignity of a group of PEOPLE but, beliefs and ideas are not SACRED. Islam is not a person or a group of people, it is a doctrine.

Hear, hear! You are the voice of reason, man. Phobia means an irrational fear, while being afraid of Islam is one of the most rational conclusions you can come to. "Islamophobia" is the most bullshit concept you can try to come up with. Also love the fact how Muslims try to act as if they were a "race"... somehow

Sure, let's just bend to the will of these people over caricatures. Let's give them free rein to rule how a democratic society should work. If we bend to their will over caricatures, there's no reason they won't dictate their will on other matters. You seem to consider these people as 'rational'. They're anything but

I can't let you say that France is a xenophobic or a islamophobic.
It has the largest muslim population in Europe, is a very diverse country so saying such a thing is only stupid, insulting and ignorant. I live in a part of Paris (I come from the country) with mostly black, arabic, and chinese communities (Château

Except these bees were migrant bees—they or their parents came to France, a western non-Islamic country, not vice-versa. Why shouldn't they expect to assimilate to the point that they don't kill people who don't share their views?

People have been making from of Christianity for ages, they got most of the aggression out of there system a couple of hundred years ago.

Since we're reverting back to the 12th century I'd like to get my black plague vaccines in order first!

Except Charlie Hebdo and others HAVE made fun of Christianity and upset many people.

This is an understandable stance to take, although it's a stance that makes far more sense for Miyazaki given Japan's population diversity, or rather, lack thereof. That's not an insult to Japan, it's just... That's how it is. With a supposed 98.5% Japanese majority, it's easier to argue that you should keep it within

I think it's all fair game.

I guess it's better to just abandon the freedom of speech. Crazy religions will rule the earth and enslave its people. sounds good?

So women shouldn't wear small dresses when out drinking because they provoke rapists? Stop the victim blaming. Freedom of speech is in the hands of the writes of Charlie Hebdo.

i don't think he realises that Muslims are spread out throughout Europe, its not like Japan where 99% of the population are Japanese