
I read the majority of the article thinking that this was the same series as Sniper Elite.

They also contracted it out to the group that can make it the cheapest, while still maintaining an exorbitant price.

As a litigator for eight years, I can tell you that every single expert witness in major commercial or consumer litigation, on either side, is completely full of shit.

I’ll be the first to say that clearing your sinus using a neti pot is one of the best feelings I have felt. Its right up there with a good sneeze. Her smile, and reaction, sums up that feeling best.

Some of my kids have toys that require C’s. And whenever a toy does need them, they need 8 of them. It’s never just 2!

Some of my kids have toys that require C’s. And whenever a toy does need them, they need 8 of them. It’s never

Am I the only one who would have thought it was funny if this version of Jax was white?

Only $69.88 at Harbor Freight with a coupon

I was wondering how many hours that repair is and what the labor cost is.

I’m going to say “Buyer Beware”, maybe I am just unlucky, but I have not had good experience with Anker. I have 2 5-port USB chargers, and both have partially failed within a year of purchase. Only 1 of the 5 USB ports actually work on one, 2 on the other. YMMV

I’m going to say “Buyer Beware”, maybe I am just unlucky, but I have not had good experience with Anker. I have 2

I’m more concerned with the wear and tear on the switching in and out stuff.

“I need scissors. 61!”
I still use that when a conversation starts to get confusing.

I am right now sitting, chuckling silently to myself on the toilet. Thank you, good sir.

io9 is total Marvel fanboys, man. They crap all over DC and it’s a conspiracy.