
This is the second article this week calling the wreck the HMS Titanic. It was not a Royal Navy Ship, it belonged to the White Star Line and was correctly called the RMS (Royal Mail Ship) Titanic.

Maybe it is an unpopular opinion, but I like the ad.

Yea fuck this supply / demand thing! We should all be driving Ferraris for $25.


This whole review sounded like a tree hugger going to work at a lumber mill...Why did you even go?

Nope not what happened. The way the article describes it is extremely misleading in giving you that impression. If you buy a used Model 3 or a Model S/X older than 6 years from Tesla, you actually get 1 year / 10k miles more warranty coverage with recent changes (previously Model 3 and Model S/X older than 6 years got

Motorsport 4the Masses seeks to bridge the gap between autocross and track days. For less than $100-200, you’ll get 40-80 minutes of seat time, lapping a temporary race course (we call it a short course), broken into 10 minute sessions.

You must be a hoot to have at parties.

That statement is 100% true as long as you don’t have the slightest clue as to what you’re talking about.

Second benefit, I take my Grom to big empty parking lots and practice my trail braking and early throttle pickup. It is a great tool to really explore all the riding skills with a low risk. I’m sure I look fabulous in my full Dainese kit (power rangers leather onesie), winding out this bike as I apex at 6" tall orange

Starts on gravel, then 2 lane blacktop with 50mph limit.

But how many lb-ft of TWERK?

Here’s the thing, I don’t disagree.

Either you are A) trolling, in which, bravo

You clearly have no idea what airplanes cost. Half that?

Hey, I like Flea Market Flip as much as the next guy, but I know our capabilities.

I have to be honest - its a damn good thing I didnt see the online sale as I would surely own one right now. 

Driven, 2001. It’s not okay that I like this movie.

Thanks Captain Pedantic.

This is the circle-shaped Laguna Garzón bridge in Uruguay, and it is dumb. It was built for dumb reasons, too. They make sense, but are also dumb.