
@vinod1978: This is unethical how? This is no different from getting pizza menus, church flyers, or whatever slipped under your door. Now, if they slipped an anchovy pizza under the door, I'd agree it was unethical.

@locust76: I have Porsche and Ferrari holes in my garage.

@Jackstick: What if you were using it while traveling down I-5 at rush hour while riding a ducatti?

@minibeardeath: people are still using IRC? I don't think I even have a client anymore.

@thehackerdude: Its a CIWS aka Phalanx used for AA ship defense. The first pic that is blurred just looks like a water droplet. Those do move but not in the manner to cause that sort of motion blur. I don't think it was shopped.

Wait wait, I've seen this movie, its called Flatliners... I just don't want to see that spooky kid in the hoodie after they revive me.

Aaaand I just bought one. :D

Have to agree, this stuff is surprisingly easy. On the plus side I can grill up a couple of these in the same amount of time it takes to eat a bowl of cereal but without all the cleanup of regular pancakes. I was hoping for a can of Bacon Blaster... forget the bacon flavored pancake, give me spray bacon in a can!

@CaptainJack: was just about to make this point... . Unplug FTW


can we get a little who, what, where on these?

@FriarNurgle: maybe we can tie it into our national id cards when they come out...

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: we've been single cc people for a while until we started a remodel project. So we got an HD card just for that, plus 6 months same as cash... sometimes it makes sense, but people with less than 11k in revolving debt and fewer than 3 cards are sadly not the norm.

@WTF! Realityism!: personally I wouldn't buy a screwdriver either, just saying...

@WilliamTheFifth: yeah, I meant the radio series for HHGTTG. The problem is I've read the books, watched both movies, and heard the radio series. Each version is different and its all sort of jumbled up in there. Aside from the books, the radio series had to be the most enjoyable tho. Its been a few years, might have

@Cintax: OK, but wouldn't this actually mean they're making different measurements OF different parts of the universe, vice making the same measurement IN different parts of the universe. Semantics, maybe, but my point is, what if we went there and measured the same spot that we measured from here?