Despite the fact that Simmons has, uh, limited camera appeal...
Despite the fact that Simmons has, uh, limited camera appeal...
And all of that doesn’t even matter because he filmed it in portrait.
I mean, I get it. Liberte Chan strutting around in a cocktail dress is the last thing you want to see after a night of adulterated cocaine and staring down a half-written screenplay.
“Who said you can’t achieve sainthood while looking the other way when kids are being molested?”
Those hoofbeats you hear are the legions of PSU homers coming to defend Saint Joe’s honor. (I’m persona non grata among many of my fellow PSU grads because I dared to ask them if they would be so forgiving if it happened to one of their kids.)
It’s unfathomable to think how much damage was caused by the 36 additional years that man was able to continue to abuse children. Just leaves you speechless.
I can’t wait to see the next round of mental gymnastics Joe Pa stans use to justify this shit. JOE PA WAS A SAINT
Fantastic art selection for this story. Well done.
Will this finally stop people from asking for that fucking statue back? Let’s just melt it down, closest replication to where he is if there’s any thing as justice.
Clearly you’ve never locked eyes with yourself in the mirror while flergin’ it.
Do Not Masturbate While Seated
This is the worst.
[Crosses fingers]
I think that was The Schwab.
Is it not strange that ESPN is abandoning their business model (or at least refusing to pay “stars”) and these other shitty networks are happily picking up ESPN’s trash? Who’s wrong here? What are Simmons/Whitlock/Bayless worth?
they play baseball the Reich way
Why is everybody in such a fuhrer over this?
Cards against humanity?
Best Klans In Baseball!
“Oh so now everyone who has a swatstika tattoo is a racist?”