Children's Tv Funny

Nice article

We could agree to disagree that Spiral Cats did it first at the tournament and Tasha’s Akali is best Akali ><~

I’m disappointed that The Mask (no, not that great early Jim Carey movie nightmare fuel) didn’t make it into this cosplay outing, but it’s early in the meme cycle (video has been out what, a week?) and that’s gonna take a bit more work to replicate with LEDs, especially if someone tries to make it fully animated like

This scarlette johanson is gorgeous

The Jacques Cousteau we deserve.

Mother nature’s natural intelligence made all those lovely creatures bloom where they were planted. Just think what will come out of Silicon Valley’s artificial intelligence going forward?  

In the frozen land of Ator, they were forced to eat Jonah’s minstrels....

Creepy fish and russian humour, that’s one heck of a combination

Mac & Me, Ator, and an Asylum film? That’s a hell of a lineup.

“Fair enough. But a Chromebook can handle that workload for a couple hundred bucks?”

I’ve never tried Chromebooks or Chrome OS. For my needs I have to have microsoft office, mainly because Google Sheets blows and Numbers on OS X is also terrible. And I do like being able to pull out Rome Total War or Medieval 2 Total War, which both run on my 2012 Air, but wouldn’t run on a Chromebook.

Fair enough. But a Chromebook can handle that workload for a couple hundred bucks? (ymmv on games, but whatever). And some of those are really nice! Yeah, the low end windows machines are dogs but nobody shelling north of a grand is shopping at the shelter. 

On top of that, does anyone know what “Air” stands for? The Air started out being expensive, but incredibly thin and light.

it doesn’t mean anything to Apple outside how much you’ll pay to buy something with that word printed on it.

Well done DOJ and thank you Dell Cameron for reporting on this story. I hope they haven’t got their hands on important intel, let these spies rot

How could this go on for five years without their Network admins detecting it? That's a really long time to continuously get away with it. Does sakula hide itself some how?

The world dosen’t need china, but china needs the world.

Good! Indict. Convict. Shame. Then make an example of them.

cut their genitals off.