
I would also add that if a universe is big, sprawling, chaotic, and self-contradictory, it should fall to the creators to embrace that mess wholeheartedly, rather than trying to strategically quarantine the “good” parts that supposedly everybody loves.

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Happy endings are for children. Give me sweet sweet nihilism with my apocalypse.

The first two seasons of BSG were FANTASTIC. Some of the best sci-fi TV ever.

I felt the same way about The Last Jedi, but the consensus was that that made me a bad person. Why is it okay to not like Rise of Skywalker (which I did, actually, enjoy), and not okay to not like Last Jedi?

Do you do children's birthday parties? Werner Herzog is unavailable. 

Tesla already owns production lines with all the systems you're claiming they're avoiding. Your argument fails both the smell test and any application of Occam's Razor. 

Finally, someone who gets it.  People who have too high of standards for interaction are not worth interacting with.

sometimes really subtle things like how someone responds to “ok” tells you a lot about them as a person. so when someone interprets that THEY think “ok” is dismissive, it tells me they are the sort of person i dont want to deal with. people spend so much time talking and socializing and being afraid that someone’s

Those “certain people” are fucking idiots and should learn to stop whining. That includes you, you get the fuck out of here as well.

and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing

i can accept having a laser sword and telekinesis, but a man having red hair? that’s a bridge too far

That sums up Harley Quinn since the New 52 relaunch.

It just looks so darned ‘try hard’.

1000 dollars says the author wouldn’t have known the difference if it were being written only by white people or only by black people.

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Wrex was everything Garrus should have been.

Don’t worry, it’s the most overreacted idea about the entire series. IIRC, her father died fighting in the war that sprung from first contact with aliens, and you pick her up on a planet being destroyed by killer robos made by another race and now controlled by a third evil alien (not to mention she’s seeing other

Cowboy Kneepop.

I mean... the film is about the perils of living in a society that fails to deal with generational mental illness and massive wealth disparity. Those are the main threads of the narrative. These threads are so purely liberal, so deeply progressive politically and philosophically, that it left many viewers confused

If he’s not profiting from the song, I don’t understand the problem.