Diana Mccall

Serpico is still an insult in most departments and in those places they don’t want cops like her around. It's very frustrating and sad. She deserves to be head of the justic department someday IMHO.

My cousin, who is white, played in the WNBA. I'm wondering if all players wore the shirts (assuming there were white players, as well.) Would the whiny babies have walked off if confronted with a white woman in the shirt? Or was it clearly just racism?

My cousin cleaned up her department at the risk of her entire family. Makes me wonder where all the other good apples are though.

True, but how safe would you feel knowing that your local station has cops who walk away from protecting the public when they are being paid to do so? I wouldn't trust them to act any different on duty.

So they were on the job and refused to work because of black people made them mad. Sounds like regular policing to me.

I heard rumors (gotta love family gossip) that my 2nd cousin who is a cop actually does think that is one of his job perks. He also called BLM a terrorist group last week. Granted, if he weren’t a cop, he’d probably get racially profiled by them a lot since he’s a Latino living in a lower income area, but whatever,

A few bad apples spoil the barrel unless you weed them out. That is where the saying comes from; it is a reminder that you have to check the barrel regularly and constantly work to weed the bad ones out, not an excuse for waiting until someone complains. People that try to use “few bad apples” as an excuse need to go

Cops are not doing themselves any favors by refusing to acknowledge the that they should be held accountable for their actions on the job, like the rest of us. Sorry (sarcasm), y’all don’t get to kill black people with impunity. Getting this angry at the “Black Lives Matter” movement just makes it seem like cops think

Their families need to speak up too, since they probably hear the uncensored bullshit these cops (“good” and bad) are spouting.

It boggles the mind, doesn’t it? We’re asked to consider their perspective, but the ones who’ve chosen law enforcement as their profession are stubbornly myopic!


So people who disagree with police brutality do not deserve police protection? Way to demonstrate that “few bad apples" theory.

Hey, those cops are putting their lives on the line to protect their communities! They shouldn’t have to put up with reasonable demands to respect black people!

Remember, this is the same police union that accused the mayor of Minneapolis of throwing gang symbols.

For fucks sake. I am trying very hard to relate to law enforcement perspective, but I am quite tired of being told to think about how their families feel not knowing if their loved ones will come back after work, and the stress that creates. It amazes me that they demand this while failing to understand how black

The shirt even had the Dallas PD emblem in support of them and the players talked about how good the Dallas PD was, and those four assholes were still so emotionally traumatized they walked off and made snarky comments later?

Here is to really, really hoping that the protesters accomplish what they’ve set out to do, and that the victim and future victims receive justice, not a slap on the wrist. The rape epidemic in India makes me so incredibly sad.