
What's so fucked up about him and his man-want-need creed is that he think thinks women are so different, as if man is the default, and woman is the flaw. What he says men want, that's what everyone wants. Everyone wants a safe, stress-free place to unwind. What he's implying is that women infringe on that. And men

I am probably going to get booted from Jezebel forever for saying this, but this chick is fucking hilarious. She reminds me of my college friends. Christ. She's in college saying stupid shit to get a reaction from people. Most of what she says is funny and the stuff that's (slightly) offensive is not remotely near the

Something that helps a lot is that despite the fact that I was in the wrong here, nobody was rude about telling me so. There were no "fuck you's" or "shut up's". Everyone was very straightforward and polite, and that's a huge part of why I like Jezebel. It means a lot to me.

I just want to acknowledge your apologies and commend you for having the humility to openly revise what you had said initially. I appreciate that in a person, and it bodes well for you being a little more careful in future, so thanks.

I disagree with this reasoning. So if he terminated and the mom kept her, but then decided to live with a woman, can he intervene because that's not the particular situation he was terminating for? If she remarries? If she moves to a commune? Nope, because he terminated his rights. If a noncustodial parent wants

So, I'm constantly posting this but my love for Biden is compelling me to do it again.

I just wanted an excuse to post Unamused Uncle Joe again (this is literally a screencap from POTUS's "pretty shameful day for Washington" speech):

Oh no!!!! My Pulitzer!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. I wrote an article once about 10 reasons my husband was wrong. He asked for an alternate view and viola! I wrote 10 reasons that I was right. It was epic.

So this lady wrote a list of 'Men who won't marry you' and then, when asked to do a female version, wrote 'Women who won't be able to get men to marry them'. So the emphasis remains on marriage as being something that women have to convince men to do. Blergh.

Maybe not for you, but spare a thought for poor old Ralph in the garage, all alone, excluded and ostracised.