Dr. Steve Brule

You are confusing terrorists with Muslims. Easy mistake for someone that is uneducated. The vast majority of Muslims don’t hate the west or care at all. Radical Muslims are a extremely small minority of all Muslims.


I found a higher res version

Your all caps response is making me hate the new TG even more. Good job!

The apology has already made the new Top Gear worse than the old.

This is a Russian driving test, so she passed with flying colours.

Meanwhile, in America:

I was dissapointed with the calibur of graffiti in my school just being the usual dick drawings and scribbling of initials :/ and this stupid thing

M-Mona-chan wa kawaii desu!

its borderline beastiality and creepy as hell. saying that its not any weird than geek culture is insulting. the weirdest part are those special snowflakes that acutally identify with their “fursona” and try to act like animals and shit. they are lunatics, mostly harmless lunatics, but lunatics nonetheless.

I mean, I don’t get the hate, but let’s not pretend that a large majority of the furry community isn’t anthro pornography, or that there’s no one walking around in a suit that they’ve worn during sex.

Went into the grey comments. Apperantly the furry hate train came here from Gizmodo. Why does everyone gotta hate on the furries? It was old in the early aughts, it’s just beating a fossilized horse at this point. We get it, people can’t be bothered to actually educate themselves because this is the internet and

\m/ you won’t be missed \m/

I really had these wonderful fantasies about tunneling from Freeport to Qeynos. I was gonna DO it, damnit.

“A lot of people posting it to their Facebook wall don’t seem to recognize that.”

The Hunt for Green Cucumber

interesting, but really I could have only seen it going one way. Not only are players in general are dicks, they are determined dicks. if a hole MMO worth of trolls were in the game the entire landscape would have been stripped down to its lowest level within a month