The guy was in the left to let people on the highway. Also, how do you skid an ABS car?
The guy was in the left to let people on the highway. Also, how do you skid an ABS car?
Lessons were learned the hard way.
Nice hyperbole reply there. No one nearly died.
I dunno man. Isn’t this EXACTLY why you brake-check someone? :)
Oh cool, so you’d be okay if I, as a valet, thrashed the crap out of your car? Tell me where you live, I’ll be right over!
You’ve all been asking for a new compact pickup truck for years, and a new Jeep truck for at least as long. Well,…
So you’re saying that the valet should be able to Ferris Beuller your car?
I love she throw that 600$ occulus on the ground. Now that was funny
No we’re not.
I just want to know why the titular rain is so heavy. Is there something wrong with the game’s gravitational pull?
The Division has been live for just a few hours, but it’s already got a hilarious griefing problem.
go for a part fuckin hell. put the driveshaft in the bed kick it in 4 hi and drive away as a fwd
If Trump gets elected his presidency will come to an end with a military coup. The problem with Trump is that he can’t or won’t surround himself with competent advisors. Trump by nature will be surrounded by Yes men who will tell him what he can do as president, rather than what he should do.
Wake me when they make one of these.
So wait, they’re angry that unnecessary objectification and sexualization is being removed from their games, so they’re accusing one of the people who works on the games of... sexualizing and objectifying characters?
Allow me to blow your mind