IC cars were around long before F. Porsche was.
IC cars were around long before F. Porsche was.
Some Ken Burns-style panning across old photos while Keith David narrates things would have made that movie vastly better.
Don’t tell me Verstappen tampered with the Illudium Q36 Space Modulator!
This. 30 years of progress does not always equate to actual progress.
Pretty sure F1 has zero need for people like her. There are plenty of rich & famous people who have a passion for F1, and I’m guessing MTS is not one of them or she she would have loved to have spoken up about it. And frankly outside of the USGP, is really not even famous.
F1 revenue per year: $2,000,000,000 (2 billion)
I think that’s an exaggeration. Yes, Mercedes, Ferrari and Alpine are clearcut carmakers. McLaren has turned into a niche manufacturer, but built around the racing team as the core. AMR are still essentially privateers, despite changing their name to advertise Aston Martin from this year (because the AMR owner owns…
I don’t approve of the entrance fee hike (/dilution compensation, whatever)... but it’s still only the equivalent of 1-2 years full operating budget for a team. In that sense, the only teams it’s keeping out are the ones who are going to be struggling to survive anyway. Income is volatile for F1 teams, as the last…
you’re acting like rich kids are the only kids are the only ones who get light sentences for vehicular man slaughter. That’s just not true. both rich and poor kids get light sentencing for stuff like this. It’s just that when it happens to rich kids, the media laps it up. There are two kids i went to high school with.…
I’m thinking undergrad/sophomore, poly-sci major douchebag.
UN resolutions are not legally binding.
Jason, your obsession with Elon Musk is both cringey and entertaining.
That’s not expecting the worst, that’s just accepting reality.
Only when they’re wrong.
This is a fair question, the answers of which are complicated, but believe me, it is in your interest for student debt relief to come about.
This. Explosion of college costs has directly matched with the government providing loans.
They started doing that once the government started loaning money to 18 year olds with no credit.
It’s fair because an educated society brings you more work.