
It makes me batshit bananas that parents are willing to risk their child *getting fucking cancer,* possibly even from getting raped (this nightmare scenario happened to a friend of mine), to simply try to keep them from having fun. If that is not child abuse, I don’t know what is.

Like a year ago, my posts about wondering if I had endometriosis because my period was so bad were censored from the Penn’s Sunday School live chat. They talk about squid jizz on that show.

Ooh, sounds abusive. I just broke up with my boyfriend for, among other things, trying to control who I could be friends with.

To compare reproductive freedom to the Holocaust. Jessa’s a shitty person.

Jinger and Joy must be either fucked up from this, refusing to toe the line, or both.


Psych student here. This is CBT in most of the applications for which it is currently used.


That’s why CEO pay is not tied to profits, right?

“Look, ma! No stars!”

Pay teachers in inverse proportion to the poverty level of the surrounding neighborhood. What? A girl can dream.

Honestly, I thought protective factors were things like housing, health care, and education (real, not awareness). It used to drive me batty when my old supervisor would make fliers for health fares saying we had “resources.” It was like, dude, that makes people with problems money would fix think we are giving away

Doing everything in your power to stop people who abuse the system is like strip searching everyone as they leave a store to prevent shoplifting - it’s unnecessarily humiliating, and it is ultimately a waste of money.

Actually, there has not been a net increase in undocumented immigrants in years. Life is kind of shitty here too, now.

Weren’t they talking about her colleagues?

Go watch a YouTube video of a circumcision. That shit is not right.

Toxic masculinity is effects of the socialized truncation of men’s emotional lives, so they have to convert all emotions into rage, lust, or numbness. What does that have to do with skateboarding?


He’s clearly abusive. Let’s have some compassion for her and the literal decades of grooming that have happened. What is she supposed to do now?