
I'm entirely unsurprised that KFC in other countries is better than the US version. KFC here is just a disaster of epic proportions.

This was my question. WTF?!

Imma let you finish this article but KFC HAS A BUFFET? What is there to eat besides chicken? Do they have a "Make Your Own Double Down" station?


I would so eat that pretzel, without the salt though. I don't like soft pretzels with salt. I always get it plain or with cheese.

Yepp, that's rite. I'm a twin-dicked lobster!

Well, the Christmas list has been taken care of.

Seems I have been "schooled" by quite a few very knowledgeable folks for my comment (above)...well, I (now) agree, that I was a bit my-sided...and I see there are many other arrangements that might work just as I have listened and revised my thinking to be inline with those that wish separate

Now who is being a dick? Newsflash, not everyone's life exactly mirrors yours. Suppose we're a group of three, and we all want to pay with a credit card, for perfectly valid* reasons (*now this might turn your world upside down, but say we're all freelance and our cashflow fluctuates?), and we tell the server how much

It depends. I'm not going to split evenly if a few people got way more expensive stuff and several drinks and dessert. I eat very light and don't spend a lot as a result. My bill may be $15.00, while others may be $30.00. I'm not subsidizing other people's expensive tastes. If one person spent $20 and I spent $15,

You're right.

Seconded. Bacon, zombies, and Super Mario Bros could all disappear from the internet for a bit, and it'd be a breath of fresh air.

Inevitably, someone or everyone in the group will fail to calculate tax, and/or will under-tip, leaving the martyr who offered to pay stranded. That person then has to hassle her friends or coworkers for the cash (awkward) or bite the bullet. That sucks.

It can be extremely difficult depending on who you are with. These days it seems the separate checks are done at pretty much every restaurant in my area and it has definitely saved me awkward situations. Also, basically the only time I use to have cash on me was when I was going out to eat in a group to be able to

A lot of my friends don't have credit cards and often no one is going to have enough to pay for a whole meal for 10 people at once. Plus when you do it the way you're saying it gets complicated trying to figure out exactly what everyone had and what it cost, I suppose you can just divide the amount evenly but that's

There are situations in which no one in the group can afford to cover the check for everyone. When I was younger, my friends and I could afford to eat out/tip appropriately for ourselves, but no one could afford to cover the cost for the entire party. Sometimes check splitting is a financial necessity.

Sometimes no one in the group can afford to temporarily take the hit for the entire table. That can be really expensive...

"Taylor says he was unaware that anyone at the party was underage."

I'm confused, maybe I'm missing something... But HE'S 20 years old... isn't HE underage?