Yepp, that's rite. I'm a twin-dicked lobster!
Seems I have been "schooled" by quite a few very knowledgeable folks for my comment (above)...well, I (now) agree, that I was a bit my-sided...and I see there are many other arrangements that might work just as I have listened and revised my thinking to be inline with those that wish separate…
I totally agree with you Cajun Ginger! And I follow your procedure to the letter...yep, yepp, yepperz!
Not wishing to argue, butt when in a group, the only sensible scenario is for ONE person (yes, there can be "Only One") to pay AND tip the server (for everyone in the group).
Easy-Answer :: When in a group, ONLY ONE person pays (!). Divide the amount amongst yourselves by yourselves, then only one person pays (and tips) your server! Seriously, how hard can that be?
Occula: I don't own a hedgehog, but this link may be helpful.
Redacted (duplicate post).
Rusty0101 has made an excellent suggestion...and I suggest that you take his advice, because the post "Build Your Own Photography Lights For Under $15" is total much so that the post should be dismissed by the author (or whatever he calls himself). Those halogen lamps are a serious safety HAZARD!
I shred everything that might contain any personal information; however, I typically just become really defiant and smoosh the papers into a ball and then stomp the damn ball into oblivion...that's how I handle it!