seriously, how dense someone have to be to complain about something like that in the era of youtube.
seriously, how dense someone have to be to complain about something like that in the era of youtube.
>lesser games
We can leave it to holo-lens.
and you could play it with friends (possibly drunk)
I was hyped for vr till I played job simulator and brookhaven experiment myself. Fun for 5 minutes, absolute garbage later.
But then I saw Onward and I’m sold like a motherfucker.
They are the same in configuration, but they are underclocked, while on desktop you can add overclock on top. There will still be 10-20% difference.
For 1300 You’ll get 1070, not a mobile (underclocked) 1060, and cheap desktop i5, which will run circles around mobile i7. Add easy upgradeability and serviceability on top of that (e.g. I don’t want to go to service to remove dust every year, or lose warranty if I do it myself).
The problem with a lot of new players - EVE is not for everyone. Many will try, not a lot will stay.
Real question here.
I’m not into clans, wars, etc.
Free to access, pay/earn to play
Oh but they are. A lot of popularity of PS3 came from the fact that it was more accessible way to playback blurays at the time AND you could also play games.
Starting at just 2000$.
Free bonus - burning your fingers during gameplay.
And you would get the same result anyway, because 5 years is about the span of a generation
With TDP’s and power requirements of new GPU’s you are really only limited in overclocking and sli/crossfire. You can do beastly mini ITX builds with modern i5 and 1080.
I don’t think Vega is coming out anytime soon. Zen yes, it should shake the CPU market a little.
I’m almost sure it’s going to be something along the lines of an iphone support model. You get support till the next version comes out. So PS should do fine till PS Neo-2 comes out. And then PS-Neo will be fine till PS-Neo 3 comes out.
Yea, you can’t really say - If i’ll wait a month, it will be 15$. It may be. It may not.
Building a PC has a fixed cost so going below some price is really not worth it.
Cheaper games are really hit and miss though. You can get 3 games you wanted for 10$ one day or you can skip three summer sales and never find anything of interest.