
that’s pretty damn funny. I’d like to know what previous meeting he had, which required that he appear as a kitty.

My wife has a local grocery that does curbside. So you get a drive at least.

My schedule isn’t quite this bad, but I feel your pain. And they’re all fucking video meetings. Is there something wrong with a phone call now? I had one day in the last month I didn’t have to be on camera and I fucking celebrated.

One of the few times that I’m thankful to be alive during this timeline

“Wanna watch this movie with me?”

Yet another awesome WOC that has put her literal life on the line for all of us and the best we can do for her is barely push one crazy off some committees. I’m not shocked because this is and always has been America but I am heartbroken all the same. We have one party full of folks, that while they may disagree with

Same on the grocery delivery! I miss picking out my stuff but not at the point I’m willing to commiserate with the socially irresponsible!

I’ll keep pointing out that a large portion of the right wing have been radicalized by right wing media. They are literally domestic terrorists who want to murder anyone who disagrees with them politically. Thats the Republican party. The party that used to be about “law and order” is now the party of violent

Those people suck. At my local stores in WA state, I can’t even remember the last time I saw anyone without a mask on. I used to make fun of my county (Kitsap) for this and that but I have to give them credit for masking up.

The first time I visited Japan was 2008. (I was there when Obama was elected and I swear the Canadians and the Germans on our tour that day were happier than the Americans. Our allies hated George Bush.)

This whole thread is a testament (one of the many) to the differences between Canada and the US. I live in the most American of provinces (Alberta. Home of rednecks, oil & gas, stupid ass political leadership ... it would feel like home to lots of Yanks) ... and when you go out - everyone has masks.

It’s because it’s a culture war. It doesn’t matter how stupid the battles are, all that matters is “winning”.

Yeah, I am not immunocompromised and I also haven’t set foot in a grocery store since March (I really miss Trader Joe’s, the only store around here that doesn’t have delivery available by any means). If I was in your position and saw the absolute dregs of humanity breathing death clouds all over the place, I would

I feel you. I started going into grocery stores during off hours back in June. Most folks were complying with mask rules, though there was always at least one person who would having their nose sticking out or worse have it dangling around their chin. Almost equally frustrating was the complete disregard for social

The lack of immediate consequences for not masking up is extremely infuriating. Sure, maybe you’ll get sick in 14 days, but without any immediate consequences for being a fucking tool that don’t care about anyone but themselves, we are never getting out of this. All progress is about to be lost as we ease up

I still can’t fucking believe how goddamn stupid this anti-mask shit has become. Like how is this a thing. 

I voted Bernie in the 2016 primaries (Hillary in the general because duh) but pretty much ever since then the Bernie stans have turned me completely off. I voted Warren in the primaries this time because she offered the same policies with a better grasp on how to actually achieve them and didn’t have the same toxic

When Sanders’s campaign was petering out, she was criticized for not doing enough to save it.

We tried to tell y’all that the leftist/progressive/socialist focus on classism centers white men. Lefty white men need classism as it’s the one issue where they can center themselves. They need it so they can dismiss misogyny, racism, transphobia etc. They use classism to deny the existence of other oppressive

Fascinating that it was a secret ballot and so lopsided, given how the crazies (craziers???) seem to have the wind at their back.