
Its funny. The rest of the Trump Klan was mostly about graft. Money, power and simple corruption. The money the Trumps stole from us is significant.

And then there’s this perplexing, horrifying detail from the Millers’s headboard

I wish the Pope would ex communicate every Catholic on the court who voted to let the churches do whatever they want.  Seeing as how he has more sense than those idiots. 

Oh, I can hear her now! “When he bends over his entire fanny wrinkles like an elephant’s tuchus!”

This Goddamn man-beaver hybrid abortion is working my last damn nerve. I hope one of those thoughtful casseroles is full of salmonella and e. coli and botulism.

The America I will fight for kicks out of office grifting families that ignore federal public health guidelines and exposed countless Americans to disease and healthcare workers like myself to relentless workloads, limited resources, and no leadership or light at the end of the tunnel.

Junior is one of those males that grows a beard to cover up his weak chin.  And it somehow draws even more attention to how weak it is. 

A large portion of the Evangelical community needs to make big shows of how saved they are, I suspect they would wither and die without a stage to perform on.

These jackasses are misusing “freedom of religion” to mean that anyone can be an asshole as long as they hide behind religion.

As Trump continues to babble lies about election fraud and the massive conspiracy to steal the election. He really should be hanged from a scaffold on the National Mall.

There is NO reason for any protestant to attend in person services. Period. I’ve been attending my progressive Presbyterian USA church since March in the safety of my home and the comfort of my pjs. It’s grand. We haven’t had any drop in attendance - 350-400 people per service - and there’s been no dip in

Honestly at the time it didn’t bother me that it was Thanksgiving; any time he died would have been terrible. It’s just that Thanksgiving was our family’s favorite holiday, and now it’s our least favorite holiday and will remain that way for the rest of our lives.

Correct, from my recollection Jesus preached the exact opposite and pushed for more worship in the home as your relationship w/God was 1:1 connection and didn’t need a church behind it for guidance.

preach it, little doggy!

My dad was on home hospice, and Thanksgiving Dinner was his final meal at the table. He was having trouble swallowing so we gave him a beer with liquid thickener and that was all he could handle. I don’t even remember eating but it must have happened. Then I sat with him in his sick room. The TV was on but it was on

I’m so sorry. Yeah, my dad had a lot of sad-looking meals in the hospital before the end, especially since he needed everything either very soft or pureed. He passed away about a week before Thanksgiving (last year), which didn’t make for a great Thanksgiving, either. But at least a bunch of fun relatives showed up to

Freedom of religion has always meant the right to control the lives of others to religionists. 

The things that stick with us can be so crazy. 

Where is update on Evans and Dodger?

OTHER people’s freedoms?????? NOT IN MERICUH