
My church in Germany did Easter by zoom. I’m part of an orthodox church and Easter is of course the most important holiday. It involves a week of twice a day readings, singing and praying and a night time reading of the Apocalypse. Seriously, it is all church every day and we found a way to do this.

These institutions need their donations coming in. 

So does this decision mean that a governing body has no say in a public health crisis? How about hurricanes, floods, terrorist attacks? Is this SCOTUS codifying the Bannon philosophy of “Burn it all down!”? Why not just have The Purge all day, every day?

THAT’S where I know here from!!! Thank you so much that was driving me nuts.

I believe the correct term is “Dacha.”

If there’s a Twitter profile picture more annoying that this bitch in front of the flag, I don’t know what it is. 

So this sits “on the grounds” of Bedminster Golf Club? Is it then owned by the club and can it be seized and sold along with any other assets in bankruptcy or criminal prosecutions?

Wealthiest country in the history of the world and 20% of moms with kids don’t have enough food.

President Shitpost does love himself some adverbs.

I try to not be “that person” who gets precious about words changing meaning, but I have to confess to being slightly annoyed that “existential” is now used to mean “super bad,” because it doesn’t. California isn’t questioning the meaning or purpose of its existence—it’s on fucking fire.

The woman who allowed and encouraged the impeachment of  Trump even knowing the Senate would never convict? The woman who has refused to take the Senate’s miserly COVID offer,giving them cover because they “did something”? The woman who got her caucus to pass the ACA because it was right even knowing that it might

Make grammar great again! Democrat is not an adjective!!!!!

Abortion is sad. Forcing a woman to give birth to and then raise a child she doesn’t want and may not be capable of raising is tragic.

I take no pride in admitting that I used the word in casual conversation with one of my direct reports. I caught myself, expressed instant regret and begged forgiveness. It’s going to take me awhile and lots of self discipline to untether myself from that awful bit of usage.

She was facing the prospect of being questioned by Katie Porter. NO ONE who is doing wrong wants to be grilled by Rep. Porter.

That’s what I read too. He’s established FL as his legal residence, which means he has to spend the majority of the year there, but he can’t call Mar-a-Lago his primary residence. It should be interesting to see where he ends up. Hopefully in a nice cozy federal prison cell.

I appreciate that Rudy is doing his best to break us from that stereotype that lawyers are super smart and hardworking, kind of like how Ben Carson and Rand Paul do for doctors.

I think it’s her version of “Blue Steel”...

I was to understand that Mar-a-Lago wasn’t licensed as a permanent residence, and therefore Trumpy couldn’t live there full time. (Not sure where I read that.)

The kids probably needed a sleep therapist because they were stressed out by the army of strangers around them all the time!