250K dead, millions sick, and yet every single jerkwad in the Trump orbit who gets it has no symptoms? Sure, Jan.
250K dead, millions sick, and yet every single jerkwad in the Trump orbit who gets it has no symptoms? Sure, Jan.
I think she just enjoys being the ‘important person’ for a moment.
And it’ll set her up nicely to become another right-wing personality afterwards, including dumb book deals, tv appearances, etc.
The part Norton wrote before that is more relevant, and has strong merit. Trump isn’t deploying some sort of long term strategy for the Republican base or setting up the next phase of his career. He’s legally fucked and he’s delaying to hide evidence and force the Democrats to cut him a deal. No deal. When they let…
This bitchtastic witch is SUPPOSED to be loyal to the UNITED STATES. That’s the entire basis of her job.
I always like Edward Norton.
Yeah but is the ‘super soft’ part of that supposed to be a dig on her weight? Can’t get behind that.
“Vindictive little 10-ply-super-soft bitch” is a thing of beauty. Bravo, Norton!
There’s this legitimately hilarious revelation that came out, researched by a pro Trump blog which makes it so much awesome.
She’s getting that same anal sphincter mouth that her father has.
Looking like him too. All I can see in that photo of her is his hideous orange mug. The same eyes and mouth that have come to be so god damn revolting.
Looks like she got the Trump family butthole mouth.
No more Met Ball for YOU princess.
The lady with her father’s anus mouth, doth protest too much.
Georgia has finished the re-count and confirm a Biden win.
Thanks! And yes, Grandma is less human than a fetus, apparently.
And what does she think will happen to the fetus if she spreads the virus to a person? Or if a hospital is unable to accept pregnant high risk patients because they have no beds left thanks to COVID-19?
Trump starts tweeting about the failure to contain the virus being Biden’s fault and republicans decrying the spending required to clean this up over the next decade starts Jan 21.